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The Crazy Reason We Avoid Praying for Our Own Country

  Raising support, whether spiritual or financial, for mission work in the United States is exponentially harder than raising support for work overseas. Most people I have talked with attribute this to a perceived lack of need for mission work here. "After all," people say, "America is a Christian nation founded on Christian principles with a church in every town. If someone in America wants to know about Jesus they can just go to church." The more I think about this, the less it makes sense. It doesn’t take much looking around at the issues that plague our country to realize that, as a whole, we are not centered on serving Christ. America has an increasing number of people who...

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I don't have time to pray.

We are busy, aren’t we? There are so many things to do in a day! Kingdom things like discipling people, practical things like going to work, necessary things like making dinner. When do we have time to pray? “It’s not about spending more time praying, but becoming people of prayer and developing cultures of prayer wherever God plants us.” Paul shared this during this week’s webinar, as well as several other encouraging, challenging, and practical pieces of wisdom.   Prayer is a theme God gave me in the second half of last year. It also happens to be our theme for 2017 here at Contagious Disciple Making. God has been faithful to teach me so much and these are a...

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If You Are Going to Pray for Disciple Making Movements, You Need To Know Who You Are

  “Who do you say that I am?” This question has echoed through history. It forever changed the disciples. They were forced to answer the question and as they did, realized how that answer would impact them for the rest of their lives. Because who Jesus was, impacted who they were as his followers and closest friends. But I feel like it is a question that we also must answer for ourselves. Not in the context of Jesus, we know who he is. But, who does God say that I am? Who is, Kimberly Hathaway? Or in your case, who does God say that YOU are? Jesus knew who he was. When he entered ministry, he had spent 32 years...

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Is Praying for Disciple Making Movements Important Enough to Make it on Our Daily Schedule?

  Disciple Making Movements happen as God's people align themselves with His will and disciple people into a relationship with Him in ways that allow them to do the same with their friends, neighbors, and family. We align ourselves with God by reading His Word and through prayer. Every single modern Disciple Making Movement was preceded and accompanied by massive amounts of people praying for long periods of time. What makes us think Movement in the United States and Canada will require any less? #disciplemakingmovements #contagiousdisciplemaking #church #churchplanting #pray #prayer #gospelmovement

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How Goal Setting and Metrics Work Together in a Disciple Making Movement System

  In our last webinar, Metrics that Matter: Measuring the Right Things for Movement, I talked about the importance of vision, clear definition, and strategic elements are for determining what to measure if you want to be part of staring Disciple Making Movements. I did not, however, talk about goals setting or establishing desired outcomes.  I thought I'd take care of that here.   Most goals aren't as helpful as they could be. I run into a lot of disciple-makers who set (or have set for them) goals like this:  "In the next year, we will find 10 Persons of Peace and start 10 Discovery Groups." On the surface, this goal seems pretty reasonable.  It hits every element of a SMART...

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