Getting Started - Simple Ways You Can Become a Movement-focused Disciple-Maker

Getting Started - Simple Ways You Can Become a Movement-focused Disciple-Maker

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How can we help our friends and family fall in love with Jesus? What do we need to do to see a Disciple Making Movement sweep through our community and transform it at every level?

In this webinar, Paul Watson talks about the practical steps you can make disciples you go about your every day life. Together, we can start Disciple Making Movements!


  • Overview of Strategies and Tactics used to start Disciple Making Movements.
  • Becoming someone God uses to make disciples
  • Praying for your community
  • Inviting friends to pray with you
  • Highly relational ways to engage people who don't currently follow Jesus
  • Knowing when someone is ready to discover who Jesus is through reading the Bible
  • Facilitating Discovery Groups to help people fall in love with Jesus

Purchase Includes:

  • PDF of Paul's Presentation
  • MP3/MP4 audio of the webinar (45 minutes - 1 hour)